


Commercial piping projects can be very complex. It requires a great overview and knowledge of products to be able to perform fast, high-quality installation. As a main contractor or subcontractor, Plast Solutions offers all types of plastic assembly and installation tasks in connection with industrial plants and distribution systems. Pipes and process installations are one of Plast Solutions' core competencies, including specification, design, assembly, installation testing, insulation and commissioning. Type-approved tank and pipe projects are typical tasks we carry out for our customers.

På vores installationer, sørger vi for der efter kundens anmodning udføres professionelt kvalitetskontrol som:

  • BølgeDocumentation on bead removal
  • BølgeTag numbering (often including QR code)
  • BølgeLeaks and pressure testing
  • BølgeData log reports

Plast Solutions provides

Complete project management and has a large capacity of competent certified fitters, with many years of experience in plastic welding and technical piping. We offer assembly of both large and small tasks and with our 360 site management package we deliver:

  • BølgeProjektledere
  • BølgeGAS, UVE, USME certificerede montører
  • BølgeMobile office + equipment for assembly
  • BølgeDaily report from site
  • BølgeDocumentation on welds
  • BølgePressure test
  • BølgeGPS coordinator for electrode
  • BølgeStuk-, extruder-, varmluft- og segmentsvejsninger